Human Rights/HR Development

Human Rights

Toyodenso Group Human Rights Policy

Based on the growing awareness of human rights issues and corporate social responsibility, we have established the Toyodenso Group Human Rights Policy to promote group-wide efforts to respect human rights.
Our corporate philosophy, "The spirit of 'Harmony' that we value," is the very essence of respect for human beings, and the Human Rights Policy embodies this 'Harmony'.
Under our human rights policy, we are making various efforts to eliminate harassment and create a comfortable workplace.

This policy respects the following internationally proclaimed standards and principles, and we will work to put them into practice in our business activities.

  • The International Bill of Human Rights
  • ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
  • The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
  • Other internationally recognized human rights declarations, etc.

The Toyodenso Group will put this policy into practice and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

HR Development

Toyodenso's employee development efforts aim to foster specialists while focusing on appropriate training.
These processes include a Technical School and Product School for helping young employees gain certifications and specialized knowledge, while our Management School helps train those appointed as managers. Employees who attend this school and show particular aptitude for management are promoted to upper level supervisor positions. Additionally, those with significant supervisor experience can attend TEC University, which opens them to opportunities as managers.
Each employee development course also deepens participants' awareness of CSR and fosters human resources who contribute to society.

HR Development System

We carry out on-going, rank-specific training programs from management-level positions to newly hired workers. Our employee development approach responds to changes in society and the diversification of needs.


HR development: overall view of our system for instilling practical professional skills

Training is carried out ranging from group-based professional training to "specialists," "managers," and "global leaders."


Global leader training

A training program with language skill development for employees who will be active on a global stage.


(1)Training (Overseas Deployment) Program

  • Starting at an early date to train future leaders with broad perspectives (overseas experience).
  • Giving young employees exposure to overseas business sites and cross-cultural adaption to prepare them for potentially being sent overseas as management candidates.

(2) Language development

  • Implementing internal reforms, from educating company leaders to creating a work environment conducive to self-initiative (3-year plan)

HR development for overseas managers

Talented overseas employees are valuable assets for our strategies as a globally successful company. We are striving to further augment the skills of these talented employees by training them for overseas management positions so that they can support the Group as a whole.
